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Irish Birding Features

Number Of Articles : 2
1. Shearwater Washed up at Tramore Bay, Co. Waterford
A shearwater washed up on the beach at Tramore Bay, Co. Waterford on Monday is about to add to the recent run of stunning seabirds this summer. The bird was in an extremely poor state when found during Mondays gale and unfortunately, it has subsequently died while in a rehabilitation centre. At the time, it was recovered by Arlo Jacques and Adrian Allen and rested overnight. Initially, it was expected to be a Manx, but as it dried out and the true colour and pattern of the underparts became obvious, the ID turned towards it being a Mediterranean Shearwater.
2. Wilsons Petrel in County Kerry 1998-2010
This short paper shows the records of Wilsons Petrel for the county. The first county record was of 2 birds in 1998 but since then they have been observed almost annually.

There is a special emphasis on pelagic trips and some great photographs are included which were taken over the years in Kerry. 

Number Of Articles : 2
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