County: Order By:
Sightings :
Sighting Ref : IB126130
Sighting Date : 04 Mar 20
Common Name : Crane
Scientific Name : Grus grus
Location : Athenry
County : Galway
Number Seen : 2
Principal Observer(s) : Paddy Woodworth Not Specified
Reported By : Not Specified
Comments : This is not a report of a definite sighting of Eurasian crane, as I only had a split second glimpse from the train between Athenry and Galway, closer to Athenry, just now, and at a range of at least 1 km. Two v big birds, gliding in unison, necks outstretched, towards flooded fields. Def not herons! White stork a possibility but I think even at that range I would have seen more black/white contrast, but maybe not. I'm familiar with both birds from Spain. If you know someone in the area, they might like to check it out.
Status : See IRBC Appendix 2
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