County: Order By:
Sightings :
Sighting Ref : IB98588
Sighting Date : 10 May 17
Common Name : Crane
Scientific Name : Grus grus
Location : Ballinafagh
County : Kildare
Number Seen : 1
Principal Observer(s) : Dara Wyer Not Specified
Reported By : Not Specified
Comments : On Monday evening just gone(8th), I observed what looked like a very large heron flying past my garden, being mobbed by some swallows. It seemed too big, and was flying somewhat unusually- less flapping than a heron. it then started to circle and began riding a thermal, in broad circles. It rose to about 400-500m and in that time I observed (from checking after)- that the underparts of it's wings were quite dark- ruling out the even more unlikely stork which has a distinctive black/white contrast- it also had it's legs trailing noticeably and the head wasn't curled back over the body like a heron, but more pointed forward with a long, thin bill making it look "stretched". I'm located 1km north of Prosperous, Co. Kildare. A beautiful sunny day (hence the thermals) with a strong easterly onshore breeze- the crane seemed happy to being carried in a westerly direction I note from Tom McCormack in BWI Kildare, that a crane was spotted in Inishbofin recently- also during the period of easterly winds. I'm not a birding expert- but this definitely was not a heron, so I think crane is the best guess- I would be interested if othe reports emerge.
Status : See IRBC Appendix 2
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