Irish Birding Sighting Record

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Sighting Ref : IB184694
Sighting Date : 09 May 24
Common Name : Savi's Warbler
Scientific Name : Locustella luscinioides
Location : Loughtate
County : Louth
Number Seen : 1
Principal Observer(s) : Not Specified Not Specified
Reported By : Fergal Stanley, Jim Bowman, John Lynch
Comments : Small reedbed beside the R178. 07:30-08:30 Reeling at times from cover but still popped up on the same branch as previously noted.and sang for about 20 seconds. 15:30 Savi's Warbler showed briefly at Loughtate but no reeling between 12:45 and 16:00. 19:00 showing again. Heard again between 21:15 and 21:50
Status : See IRBC Appendix 1
Photos :
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Photographer(s) : © Fergal Stanley (Image 3, reeling).