Irish Birding Sighting Record

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Sighting Ref : IB191873
Sighting Date : 10 Oct 24
Common Name : Blyth's Reed Warbler
Scientific Name : Acrocephalus dumetorum
Location : Howth Peninsula
County : Dublin
Number Seen : 1
Principal Observer(s) : Sean Farrell Not Specified
Reported By : Dermot O'Mahony, Mark Collins
Comments : 11:00. Sycamore below the summit car park on Howth Cliff Walk. 11:45. showing briefly again. 12:40 seen again. 14:20 not seen since 12:40. 16:00 No seen subsequently. 1st County Record.
Status : See IRBC Appendix 1
Photos :
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Photographer(s) : © Mark Collins.