Irish Birding Sighting Record

Website :
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Sighting Ref : IB41944
Sighting Date : 23 Jan 12
Common Name : Crane
Scientific Name : Grus grus
Location : Ardfert
County : Kerry
Number Seen : 3
Principal Observer(s) : David O' Connor Not Specified
Reported By : Not Specified
Comments : Previous records. 1826, One, Tralee Bay (shot). November 5th, 1851. Two, Derrynane Bay (shot). November 20th, 1851, Five, Ballinskelligs Bay (shot). October 1940 - February 1941, Six or Seven, Location Unknown (1 shot). February 2nd - March 16th, 2003, One, Ardfert.
Status : See IRBC Appendix 2
Photos :
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Default Caption. Click To Enlarge Default Caption. Click To Enlarge
Photographer(s) : © David O' Connor.