Irish Birding Sighting Record

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Sighting Ref : IB65354
Sighting Date : 11 Feb 14
Common Name : Crane
Scientific Name : Grus grus
Location : Garron Point
County : Antrim
Number Seen : 1
Principal Observer(s) : Ian Dickey Not Specified
Reported By : Jennifer Riley, Neal Warnock, Cameron Moore
Comments : 11:40 seen flying south from Garron Point (ID), c12:00 Ballygally (JR), 12:52 tried to land at Glynn Station, Larne Lough (NW), c13:30 seen at Ballycarry Bridge/Whitehead (CM).
Status : Description required by the NIBARC
Photos :
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Photographer(s) : © Ian Dickey