Irish Birding Sighting Record

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Sighting Ref : IB74348
Sighting Date : 20 Dec 14
Common Name : Crane
Scientific Name : Grus grus
Location : Donabate
County : Dublin
Number Seen : 2
Principal Observer(s) : Andrew Fleming, Gerard Knight, Brian Mc Donnell, Dermot McCabe Not Specified
Reported By : Not Specified
Comments : 11:15am. Two Cranes, one calling whilst flying over Turvey Park. Donabate. North Dublin. Came up over the allotments from the estuary and then turned Southeast. 11:35, over Turvey (GK). Photographed over Rogerstown (BMcD) and seen flying over the causeway, North Bull Island at 11:45, heading SW (DMcC)
Status : See IRBC Appendix 2
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Photographer(s) : © Brian McDonnell