Irish Birding Sighting Record

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Sighting Ref : IB78726
Sighting Date : 26 Apr 15
Common Name : Mistle Thrush
Scientific Name : Turdus viscivorus
Location : Mount Brandon
County : Kerry
Number Seen : 1
Principal Observer(s) : Peter McDermot Not Specified
Reported By : Not Specified
Comments : On Mount Brandon, Co Kerry, April 26th, a Mistle Thrush was observed in full song in the East Coum at an elevation of approximately 900m for a period of about 40 mins. In view of remark in Collins Bird Guide that birds in S Europe are found [ breeding ]on mountain slopes in treeline zone, foraging on alpine meadows and bare mountain ([ as distinct from Irish residents who visit mountain areas after the breeding season to feed on fraochan berries and hatches of craneflies ) this raises the intriguing possibility that this bird was an overshooting migrant from S Europe.